Sunday, October 07, 2007

Antonio Has Done a Lot

While I haven't been posting because I suck, Antonio has still been very busy. Mostly he's just busy being really cute, because he's really good at that. But he's also been busy hiding under the table and playing with his plastic balls and the remote control.
He made a trip over to his cousin Elijah's house. As always, he wanted to grab his cousin.
What he didn't know about the trip was that he was giving... er, loaning... his cousin some of his favorite toys. He wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to them yet.
He was also very happy to see his Nina.
Then his Grandma and Grandpa made a surprise visit. He was quite happy to see them and spend some time with them. Unfortunately, they weren't happy to see him.
He also got to show of his mad sign language skillz. He knows the word "help." That's it. Help. He wants you to read a book? "Help." He wants you to play a DVD? "Help." He wants you to make a grilled cheese sandwich? "Help." It means so much.
He still loves hanging out with Havana. The two of them are going to cause so much trouble together. They're the perfect team.

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