Saturday, March 06, 2010

More Reading, Spelling, Learning

Though it has been months a few things about Antonio have not changed. He still LOVES reading!

In fact, every sleep time we read him two stories and he reads the last one. It is darn cute. We have even caught him trying to sound out words.

In other learning, he is loving numbers and time. We have a book about time and he has a little clock he turns the hands to the times that match the book - even 8:15 and 2:45! It is pretty cool that he understands that the 6 is the :30.

And he is starting to spell so much! He loves words and wants to learn how to spell them every day. So much so that even in long books he can look at the page and pick out the words he knows how to spell. His brain is so happy to learn.

And with spelling comes a little writing. He has written his name, mommy, daddy and yesterday he wrote day. And the exciting part of day was that it looked great and he did it with his LEFT hand!! Like mommy. Could explain why his school was saying he doesn't hold a pencil right - because those ding-bats didn't realize he was a lefty like his mommy! Geesh!

Woo hoo for our smartie pants. It has been a stressful few months but it has also been a wonderful time to see Antonio's brain growing and learning so quickly.

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