Sunday, November 26, 2006

What's All This White Stuff?

Antonio spent his first night at home after visiting the grandparents for Thanksgiving. And what did he wake up to find?

Snow! Lots and lots of snow!

Mommy and Daddy quickly got him dressed in his snow outfit to get some pictures, but the snow had already started to mix with rain, so we didn't stay outside very long.

But Havana isn't a little baby, and she can brave the elements, or to tell the truth, Mommy and Daddy make her brave the elements to go potty outside because that's the kind of terrible people we are. First we bring a little boy into the house and give him all of our love and attention, then we make her go outside in the freezing weather to do her business. (Sorry, this last paragraph was dictated to me by a disgruntled canine sister.)

This was already a busy morning. But then we had visitors. Aunt Becky and Uncle Greg came over with Antonio's cousin's, Torin and Preston.

(Now Uncle Greg can have the picture he didn't have on his birthday.)

Preston gave Antonio his first nickname. Because he's two years old and has a binky in his mouth most of the time, it's sometimes kind of hard to understand what he has to say, thus, his trip to go see "Cousin No-no."

All in all, it was a good morning. And there was more activity in the afternoon, too. So come back later and read all about that.

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