Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Antonio Has a Murse

There's nothing Antonio likes more when Mom comes home from a hard day at work than to walk around with her... I mean his purse. He loves it. And he looks pretty cute... er... handsome when he's doing it, too.

When he's not carrying his murse around, Antonio's new favorite thing to do is to kick back in his comfy chair and read a book. Right now, his Cars book is his favorite, but he pretty much likes anything Cars, so that's not a big stretch. I'm pretty sure he's going to be a big reader.
We also have had some fun weather lately. First it was the snow, which Antonio was very interested in. He wanted to grab the flakes. Then, there was the monsoons. Antonio didn't like that as much, but he did try to grab some rain anyway.
At the end the end of the long day, after he's played and read and grabbed precipitation and chased the dog around, Antonio likes to settle down with a stiff drink, sing some songs, and start tossing stuff around.

The boy gets out of control sometimes.

Oh, and Havana's getting in the Christmas spirit.

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