Thursday, November 22, 2007

El Cazador Does Not Serve Turkey... Antonio had to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He didn't mind so much, because that meant he got to see his family, both the Barges and the Rodgerses. And he ate turkey and sweet potatoes and non-sweet potatoes and cranberries (and his usual bananas and oatmeal and whatnot). The only problem with all that eating, is sometimes you need some privacy to take care of some of your business. And sometimes you don't get that privacy.

But still, Antonio had a really nice time hanging out with his cousin...
...except when Elijah tried to touch him. Antonio's personal space is Antonio's personal space.
Then Antonio tried on the new snow suit Grandma bought for him. Since there was no snow, Antonio wasn't shy about showing his displeasure with the Christmas Story-like effect it had on him.
And guess what? Antonio's friend Ya-Ya came, too.
Right now, I'm groggy from too much turkey and pumpkin pie. There will be more later when I get more pictures from the camera onto the computer.

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