Friday, May 29, 2009

Move on down, move on down the road...

Well, last weekend we moved- again. It is getting old and annoying to everyone packing and unpacking but we plan to stay here for awhile and have settled in quickly. Antonio and Havana have discovered the grass and dirt! Such a boy!

So for the tour, here is our unit - It is a nice big 3-bed, two-story townhouse. Can you see who is playing in the dirt under the tree?

Here is a pretty "silent" video tour of the house from the front-door to the top is a great setup for us all. And since the video was made there are far fewer boxes and it actual looks like we live here now.

Most important, Antonio has a lot of space to learn and play and be a kid....and for those who have seen it, pee in the potty, one the floor, the wall and whatever else might get in the way.
Hope you come visit soon!

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