Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Poop Face

If you see this face, it's already too late. Antonio is up to something. And it's never pretty.

So, other than eating, pooping and sleeping (not always in that order; sometimes all three at the same time), Antonio hasn't done too much yet. I know he's only two weeks old, and really, he's not supposed to be doing much, but I expected more than this.

I'm not asking for him to do long division or to be able to quote Shakespeare, but anything would be nice. I mean, he just lies there. And even when he's not just lying there, he just looks at things. But since his vision hasn't developed yet, he doesn't really see anything. So what's the point?

Here are some pictures of Antonio sitting around with Mom and Dad. And Havana. Notice how much better at posing she is. And she's a dog. You call her name, and she looks at you and waits for the flash. Him? Not so much.

Check out Antonio's cool new pram. It's a gift from Jeff's boss. And because he's not good at posing, look who looks like she enjoys it more than he does.

But you've got to give the girl credit; even though she's older, she's been with Mommy and Daddy longer, and (to be honest) she's much, much smarter than he is, Havana is really starting to warm up to her brother.

Her world has changed (and not necessarily for the better), but pretty soon, Antonio is going to be her best friend. Hopefully by then, he'll know more tricks than she does.

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