Friday, September 15, 2006

My Baby Dislikes His Mother

Due Date +2

Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. Where is this kid? What have we done to make him treat us so badly? It's not me really, it's his mother. She's been growing him in her belly for over nine months now. Nine months. That's a long time. Think about the worst movie you've seen lately. With previews and commercials and credits, that's about two hours you wasted watching a poorly-plotted, ill-conceived romantic comedy starring Matthew McConaughey. It felt longer than two hours, didn't it? Well, guess what, my wife has been watching that movie 3360 times in a row. That's how long she's been pregnant.

That's not to say pregnancy is like watching an awful Matthew McConaughey movie 3360 times in a row. (Even though I just made that argument, I am backtracking away from it in the very next sentence [Plus a parenthetical (I'm like that)]). Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. But the time has come for Junior to come out into the world. We want to meet him. We want to give him a loving home. We want to start this new chapter of our family.

And Mommy's back is really starting to hurt.

In lieu of baby pictures (and I think we all know whose fault that is), here is a picture of Havana riding a tractor with her Grandpa.

See that, Junior? That could be you riding the tractor with Grandpa. But you've got to get here first. The ball's in your court now.

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